Monday, March 9, 2009

You know how some people say Iraq is a battle we can't win? Well, here's another: The battle between nature and my three snow shovels. I put this picture on to illustrate just how bad our Wisconsin winters are to those of us who still don't understand. This photo was taken in NOVEMBER, when we had one of our ice storms that look all nice and neat on the radar, but destroy bodywork, windshields, and cause enthusiasts to wish they wouldn't have taken that one last drive before winter because their car now needs new glass, body, interior, and suspension due to ice, snow, and leaving the doors open to show off your interior at the time it starts snowing. It snowed another foot again yesterday, and it's just not funny anymore. Hopefully, by the time I get back from a trip to North Carolina I'm taking in a few weeks, it'll be better. Yeah, right! Photo from


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