Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I was on my way home, when I saw somebody driving a car I'd always thought was an eighties Mustang out to his yard to sell. On my way past, I saw it had a different grille and said RS on the side and the hood. The possibility of it being a Mercury Capri crossed my mind, but I'd never heard of any RS version of the Mercury Capri. I began my search when I got home, searching for "Mustang RS" and even "Escort RS" on Google Images. I knew there had been an Escort RS since the first-gen European Escort in the sixties, but this car was too Mustang-like that it had to be a Mustang or a Mercury. So I finally searched "Mercury Capri RS. And what do you know, many 1980's special edition RS Capris pop up! So I found the identity of the car, and I also knew it wasn't actually the signature RS engine, a 2.3 turbo, because it had the optional 5.0 and all the badging that goes with that. The photo above is from You can figure out what it is by the screaming letters.